COVID-19 has paralyzed the exhibits and events industry and, as a result, has created a ripple effect of issues and challenges every segment of the exhibit and events industry.
Yet there doesn’t seem to be much coverage in national or local media for the devastating effect that the pandemic has caused for our industry. More than 6 million jobs rely on events and it generates more than $400 billion in direct spending annually but that seems to have missed the attention of the media. Recognizing that there are other compelling stories that have grabbed the nation’s attention, the EACA is interested to do whatever it can to raise awareness nationwide about our plight.
This program will discuss possible courses of action for creating a surge of awareness in all media, national and local, for the impact that COVID-19 has had on the events industry.
And, we need your help!
The most likely outcome of this conversation will be to craft a news release that we will distribute to all media outlets. But to do that we will need assistance in gathering the names and contact information for news editors all over the country. That is where you come in. We’ll need you to help track down those contacts and send them to us so we could “start spreading the news.”
hosted by Jim Wurm, Executive Director
- Steve Johnson, President, Renaissance Management
- Rich Ennis, President/CEO, Nth Degree
- Michael Mulry, General Mgr, On Location
- Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes, Chief Marketing Strategist, mdg